Cookies Policy
This Lambiotte (Lambiotte et Compagnie S.A. – Avenue des Aubépines 18, 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique) website uses cookies.
These are small files placed on the visitor’s computer, mobile phone or tablet when visiting the website.
Functional cookies – With your consent, our website uses the functional cookies “ga”, “gid” and “gat” from Google Analytics.
These cookies enable us to analyse your use of our website in order to improve its performance (errors encountered by visitors, pages not displayed etc.).
The lifespan of these cookies has been limited to 1 minute for the “gat” cookie, to 1 day for the “gid” cookie and to 2 years for the “ga” cookie.
The IP addresses sent to Google Analytics were anonymized in order to protect your anonymity.
This information is stored by Google.
Request and withdrawal of consent – For any request, you can also contact us at Your consent can be withdrawn at any time via Manage consent. You can also configure your browser not to accept cookies. This change must be made for each browser and on each computer.